
Register to get your Team Cuban Card

Enter your information below to sign up. You will receive your Team Cuban Card by email within minutes.

Email *

Full Name *

Your name must match the name on your prescriptions exactly.

Date of Birth *

Gender Assigned at Birth *

Our pharmacy affiliates require us to ask for this information to keep you safe. Pharmacists will use this information to check for drug interactions and any other safety concerns. We recognize that this information may not represent who you are. We are committed to inclusivity within our health and safety requirements for all of our services.

Address *

Phone Number *

Are you enrolled in a federal or state government-funded prescription program? *

*Medicaid, Medicare Part D, Medigap, DoD, VA, TRICARE®/CHAMPUS, or any state patient or pharmaceutical assistance program. Some Team Cuban Card programs are not available for users who are enrolled in government-funded prescription programs.

I have read and agree to Mark Cuban Cost Plus Benefits' Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. *